March 30, 2020
Dear families,
I am so excited to start interacting with many of your
children doing mini lessons via videoconferencing this week using ZOOM or Google
meets! I understand this is not always the best option, but we can see how it
goes. Please note, continuing with the worksheet packets (that I sent home) is
completely acceptable and is working well for many of you. Also, know that any
form of life skill instruction that you choose is also wonderful – cooking,
time with nature, journal writing, practice with time telling, etc. This is all new for us and we are all
learning, let’s have fun with it!
all these accessible resources is exciting, but it can be overwhelming as well.
I will add resources to my blog, but please do not feel the need to click each
one to investigate. Additionally, our team is trying to make sure you feel
connected, however if you are feeling “connection” overload, send me an email
or give me a call and let me know your thoughts. Managing work from home,
supporting remote learning for your children and all the other changes we have
had to adjust to, can be a lot.
for any reason you did not receive an email with your child’s Remote Learning
Plan, and the Written Prior Notice (Form 7a) please let me know. Please type a
statement on the consent to use virtual media along with your name and send it
back to me.
if you have the technology to scan or send me a picture of
completed work, I’d love to see it! I saw this on FB as a nice way to “scan”
work to the teacher. See instructions below.
Debora Herrera
Westshire Elementary Special Educator