Monday, April 6, 2020
Magnificent Monday!
April 6, 2020
Good Morning Families,
I hope this letter finds you well, and you were able to
enjoy the weekend. The weather was nice and the evening sky amazing to look at
with the moon and Venus.
As we begin this week, week 3, many of your classroom
teachers will becoming more visual and interactive. Several teachers have
created google classrooms or see saw classrooms. The classrooms will make it
easier to teach new information. Most of
your child’s day should be regular education as it was during regular school
session. I will work with your child on
individualized goals during our time together. If your child needs additional
help with the regular education classes, please let me know. I am happy to be
I am proud of you all working together in this “new normal.”
Spending time with your children, reading, playing board games, helping with
worksheets and getting outside, these things are all great.
Many new resources have been added to my blog, including
some fun scavenger hunts! Take some photos and share them with me of your finds.
Technically I have struggled with my computer and the ability
to use ZOOM meetings or Google Meets. I am eager to have this resolved and work
with your children. Thank you for your patience!
Keep practicing your math facts and sight words! Have fun with
your new packets, and please let me know if there is anything you need or have
questions about.
Debora Herrera
Saturday, April 4, 2020
Here are additional reading resources!
https://www.readingelephant.com/ for free books to download and print or read online.
https://www.readingrockets.org/ Amazing resource for kids and adults.
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Another great resource!
Free online mindfulness class for kids
Free online mindfulness class for kids
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Here is a great math resource!
Our math program, Origo has made resources free and easily available to families. I will use some of these materials when working with your child. Check it out, fun stuff with Math!
Origo program
Our math program, Origo has made resources free and easily available to families. I will use some of these materials when working with your child. Check it out, fun stuff with Math!
Origo program
Here are some great books to check out!
Read I am Sam at the link below
Complete the homework at the link below
Read We can't Stop
Complete the homework at the link below
Read Ted can do tricks
Complete the homework at the link below
Read Fred and Max
Complete the homework at the link below
Decoding and Encoding practice. I'd like you all to practice unit 1.
Read I am Sam at the link below
Complete the homework at the link below
Read We can't Stop
Complete the homework at the link below
Read Ted can do tricks
Complete the homework at the link below
Read Fred and Max
Complete the homework at the link below
Decoding and Encoding practice. I'd like you all to practice unit 1.
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Monday, March 30, 2020
March 30, 2020
Dear families,
I am so excited to start interacting with many of your
children doing mini lessons via videoconferencing this week using ZOOM or Google
meets! I understand this is not always the best option, but we can see how it
goes. Please note, continuing with the worksheet packets (that I sent home) is
completely acceptable and is working well for many of you. Also, know that any
form of life skill instruction that you choose is also wonderful – cooking,
time with nature, journal writing, practice with time telling, etc. This is all new for us and we are all
learning, let’s have fun with it!
all these accessible resources is exciting, but it can be overwhelming as well.
I will add resources to my blog, but please do not feel the need to click each
one to investigate. Additionally, our team is trying to make sure you feel
connected, however if you are feeling “connection” overload, send me an email
or give me a call and let me know your thoughts. Managing work from home,
supporting remote learning for your children and all the other changes we have
had to adjust to, can be a lot.
for any reason you did not receive an email with your child’s Remote Learning
Plan, and the Written Prior Notice (Form 7a) please let me know. Please type a
statement on the consent to use virtual media along with your name and send it
back to me.
if you have the technology to scan or send me a picture of
completed work, I’d love to see it! I saw this on FB as a nice way to “scan”
work to the teacher. See instructions below.
Debora Herrera
Westshire Elementary Special Educator

Sunday, March 29, 2020
Friday, March 27, 2020
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
A great instructional video about Touch Math!
Touch Math for parents by Mr. M
Touch Math for parents by Mr. M
Managing Anxiety
Psychotherapist Lynn Lyons shares practical tips on how to help children (
and adults) tolerate uncertainty, cope with anxiety, avoid "catastrophic thinking," strike a balance between rigidity & flexibility, and preserve our mental health. Click here to watch this 22-minute video. (Hint: schedules & routine matter.)

Resources for Parents & Caregivers of Preschool-Aged Children
Play matters: Click here to read about the importance of playtime for children (from the National Association for the Education of Young Children).
Monday, March 23, 2020
March 22, 2020
Dear Families,
Week 1 – March 23- March 28, 2020
I hope you are all adapting to this new normal. It is a lot to get used to! Continue to stay healthy! I am enjoying spending time with my family and the opportunity to do things outside. Each week I will add a letter to my blog.
I hope you are all adapting to this new normal. It is a lot to get used to! Continue to stay healthy! I am enjoying spending time with my family and the opportunity to do things outside. Each week I will add a letter to my blog.
By March 28th, you should receive your child’s Distance Learning Plan. This is the plan we will develop together on the telephone. It details the days and times of contact you will be hearing from me and the learning coaches during the week. Some of you may hear from OT, PT and Speech as well.
Sunday, March 22, 2020
- Free articles at grade level with comprehension questions
This link will take you to real live authors and actors reading picture books! https://www.weareteachers.com/virtual-author-activities/
Here are other fun educational websites to browse while you are home!
- Math Game Websites: Here are some fun math websites your kids will enjoy: Istation, Flocabulary, Kahoot
- ELA Game Websites: Funbrain, BrainPop, ABCYA
- Other Fun Apps: Pic Collage, author websites to listen to online books, GoNoodle, Handwriting Without Tears, Amazon Kindle has free books online for students.
If reading is something you and your children enjoy, great news, Audible is now free. Find many interesting titles and begin reading.
Awesome News! Audible is Free! “For as long as schools are closed, we’re open. Starting today, kids everywhere can instantly stream an incredible collection of stories, including titles across six different languages, that will help them continue dreaming, learning, and just being kids. All stories are free to stream on your desktop, laptop, phone or tablet. Explore the collection, select a title and start listening.”
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
More educational resources
Elementary (K-5) Resources
- What It Is: This MMO game gives kids something other online learning resources may lack: a sense of community. Students up to age 13 play games to learn across a range of topics (math, reading, social studies, science, and more), while also creating their own online persona and interacting with others in the game.
- What They’re Offering: In addition to their usual 30-day free trial, Age of Learning is offering Adventure Academy free to schools closed due to the outbreak. Contact them here for more information.
- What It Is: Breakout EDU uses online games to bring the fun of escape rooms to learning across the elementary curriculum.
- What They’re Offering: They’ve put together a list of free online games kids can play at home. Click here to see them.
- What They’re Offering: Schools affected by COVID-19/coronavirus can get free access until May 2020 or the school reopens. Contact them here.
Writing ideas
Write to me Write to me about your adventures, Debora Herrera at: dherrera@RivendellSchool.org, or keep a
What I have been doing/ how I am feeling journal so you don’t forget all your fun adventures and thoughts. Spend some time researching and writing about someone or something in your community - not only does it build research and writing skills, but helps kids develop a deeper sense of place.
This is a photo I took while walking to Sabbaday Falls, incredible natural beauty!
What I have been doing/ how I am feeling journal so you don’t forget all your fun adventures and thoughts. Spend some time researching and writing about someone or something in your community - not only does it build research and writing skills, but helps kids develop a deeper sense of place.
This is a photo I took while walking to Sabbaday Falls, incredible natural beauty!
Keep Moving!
Kinesthetic Learning Happening here....
Kinesthetic Children Need to Move
"Hop on the sound you hear" "Jump to the correct letter name"... These are just examples of how Samuel Morey Students are using their motor skills to help with literacy acquisition. Research tells us that kinesthetic learners need to move. Children show us when they wiggle, tap, swing their legs, bounce, or just can’t sit still. Kinesthetic learners use their bodies and their sense of touch to learn and grow. They often have excellent “physical” memory and they learn quickly when they are physically "doing" while learning. This is why we plan to keep moving and learning here at WES.
Virtual Field Trips
Here is a fun family activity
COVID-19 Update
March 17, 2020
Dear Families,
I have developed a packet of work for your student based on their specialized instruction goals. These packets are mostly review and should be relatively independent for the child. They are workbook style packets. I’m hoping that you will be able to access some of the free on-line learning tools. I will post some links. I have also copied a sample schedule to help structure the day. If you need money for stamps, I am happy to provide that for you. Please just let me know. Email me, text or call me with any questions or needs along the way. I will certainly miss your child. The best part of my job is the children.
All the best to you, stay healthy! Debora Herrera
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