Monday, April 6, 2020

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Magnificent Monday!

April 6, 2020

Good Morning Families,

I hope this letter finds you well, and you were able to enjoy the weekend. The weather was nice and the evening sky amazing to look at with the moon and Venus.

As we begin this week, week 3, many of your classroom teachers will becoming more visual and interactive. Several teachers have created google classrooms or see saw classrooms. The classrooms will make it easier to teach new information.  Most of your child’s day should be regular education as it was during regular school session.  I will work with your child on individualized goals during our time together. If your child needs additional help with the regular education classes, please let me know. I am happy to be available.

I am proud of you all working together in this “new normal.” Spending time with your children, reading, playing board games, helping with worksheets and getting outside, these things are all great.

Many new resources have been added to my blog, including some fun scavenger hunts! Take some photos and share them with me of your finds.

Technically I have struggled with my computer and the ability to use ZOOM meetings or Google Meets. I am eager to have this resolved and work with your children. Thank you for your patience!

Keep practicing your math facts and sight words! Have fun with your new packets, and please let me know if there is anything you need or have questions about.


Debora Herrera

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Here are additional reading resources!  for free books to download and print or read online.   Amazing resource for kids and adults.

Friday, April 3, 2020

How about a scavenger hunt?
Image may contain: nature, possible text that says 'BACKYARD SCAVENGER HUNT Find 3 kinds of leaves.. orimary_implayground Find something yellow. Name a bug that is red. Find 2 sticks. Find something that smells good. Name something you see in the sky. Find something that is round. Find something that grows that is green. Find a bird. Find 3 different colored rocks. Find something purple. Find a bug.'

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Another great resource!
Free online mindfulness class for kids

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Read Can You See 3

Read Dot likes to Dig

Here is a great math resource!
Our math program, Origo has made resources free and easily available to families.  I will use some of these materials when working with your child. Check it out, fun stuff with Math!

Origo program
Here are some great books to check out!

Read I am Sam at the link below
Complete the homework at the link below

Read We can't Stop
Complete the homework at the link below

Read Ted can do tricks
Complete the homework at the link below

Read Fred and Max
Complete the homework at the link below

Decoding and Encoding practice. I'd like you  all to practice unit 1.